Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mary Pearcey and the Occult?

So, the trip to London has been planed with the help of my childhood friend Ashlee and her generous law partner Ian. I will be staying at Ian's house in Surrey, just outside London, from March 21 through the 1st of April, and will visit the city and Hampstead daily in order to recreate Mary's final days.

It is true that Mary had many lovers in her life and so it should be no surprise to find she has many suitors in the afterlife. I am referring, of course, to the various writers and researchers who have worked or are working to recreate her story.

On my way home from Tampa today, I received a delightful email from Patricia Heard and Andrew Ramirez of Prince of Wales Road, London, England. The street is the same street Frank Hogg and the Hogg family lived on. Pat and Andrews are two film script writers also working on a story about Mary's life. I am eager to meet them, share information, and explore their work and theories.

My Canadian friend Chuck continues to send me information about Mary. In one of the articles he sent recently, the author mentioned a theory I'd not heard before: that Mary was somehow tied to the Occult and/or a secret society which Phoebe Hogg threatened to denounce.

The theory sounds far fetched to me, but interesting none-the-less. I would like to learn more about secret societies in Victorian London and so, should you have information about such societies, I encourage you to post to this blog or email me at:

Many thanks for reading. Stay tuned.