Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back from London and Working on Video

So, it's been several months since my last post and much has happened since then. First, the trip to London was amazing, if not taxing. I met with Deborah Maggoch -- who is delightful -- and met her mother Charlotte and visited the house where the murders were committed.

I retraced Mary's steps and video taped the entire journey, which I'm currently ripping into a DVD that will be edited and uploaded this weekend, I hope. After spending 15 days in the cold, wet snow I was hoping the ghost of Mrs. Pearcey would reward my research with a late-night visit but no luck. I could not conjure the late Mrs. Pearcey and though the research went well, it is never ending, and, frankly, I don't feel any closer to solving this mystery.

My latest delimma is trying to find out more information about her solicitor Freke Palmer. I need a good-natured researcher who understands how to get information from the inns of court in London. Anyone, anyone?

I did, however, stumble upon a most interesting fact. There was an entry in a passport catalogue of a Frank Hogg from Camden who applied for passports for -- get this -- 2 people in October 1890. Was that for he and Mary, or he and Phoebe or was it just a ruse? Despite my best efforts, I couldn't find Frank Hogg in any of the censues after the death of his wife and child. Did he abscond to Spain? Fascinating, but the trail runs cold there.

I learned a bit more about Mary's life, and got a personal tour of the bowels of Newgate Prison thanks to a very friendly and interested historian who also worked as a gaurd. I saw where Mary was kept in her last days (her actual cell) and I saw where her bones are burried. I actually walked the Green Mile (very terrifying). I shot video and still photos of the door that she walked through on her way up to Courtroom No. 1. I also collected several more newspaper clippings from the local papers, some of which have photos of she, Frank, and Phoebe's family.

That was remarkable and I can't wait to share it with you.

Finally, and perhaps most noteably, the entire trial transcripts have, at last, been published into the public domain. I have downloaded them, compared them to my notes, and found several discrepancies and interesting ommissions from Mr. Hogg and others.

So, sit tight for the video (complete with sound effects and the latest research).

Still working away on the book (up to 160 pages), and I meet with an editor/agent on my birthday (Sept. 20) and will get initial feedback then.

I'm thinking about asking for help from you, my readers, with the plot as a way to stir interest in the book and since it looks like there won't be resolution to this mystery after all, why not have fun creating a compelling drama based on the facts as we know them. Thoughts?

Happy Thursday - SBH


Anonymous said...

Yes, you seem good at asking for help, but not acknowledging it.It was me that found the link to the Old Bailey archive for you. It actually took hours to find the right case, and you didn't even email to acknowledge it. Do your own damned research, or pay someone else!

SBHopton said...

Hi Fiz. I'm very, very sorry that I didn't acknowledge you. I didn't realize it was you who sent the link.

I had registered with the Old Bailey archives months ago in the hope that when the case files were put online, they would e-mail me to tell me.

I thought your e-mail was an automatically generated e-mail from that original query.

I would never intentionally disregard a reader willing to help, and your help is greatly appreciated.

Again, I apologize for any misunderstanding.

Tami Ross - Rodan and Fields Dermatologists Executive Consultant said...

I love reading about your progress, this is such an interesting story!!!

Anonymous said...

I know this is off topic, but I was searching London and your blog came up. When were you there? Can you recommend any fun places for a tourist?

Thanks - Ann

Tami Ross - Rodan and Fields Dermatologists Executive Consultant said...

Here are two books you might enjoy...

People of the Abyss by Jack London - discusses life in the East End of London shortly after the 1880's.


The London Scene by Virginia Woolf - written in the 1930's it's like taking a walk through London.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a fascinating project. I remember seeing Mrs. Pearcey's effigy at Mme. Tussaud's, in 1971, and that overbite of hers gave me horrible nightmares for days thereafter!

Have not betrayed.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you did go to the bowels of Newgate Prison, since this was demolished in 1902, nor do any remains of those executed within the prison remain there. Newgate Prison is now actually the site of The Old Bailey.

The original condemned cell of Newgate was demolished along with the prison. You might have seen the old condemned cell in the Bailey, which is no more than a holding cell and criminals did not serve their death sentence in it.

You really ought to check your facts before publishing them.

SBHopton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SBHopton said...


Thank you for the feedback. I find the research extremely difficult and welcome your input and corrections. I'm not a historian, for sure, but I am concerned with telling the truth, so what help you can lend is appreciated.

Sammie said...

Hello SBHopton,

I'm currently "investigating" the Jack the Ripper case. I've been a mystery buff ever since I was a little girl and the JTR mystery is one that has both horrified and fascinated me. It would be wonderful to finally out a face and name to this character and finally be able to let his victims rest in peace.

I have read many books, seen many documents on him and am aware that Mary Eleanor Wheeler was/is a suspect for being JTR.
Here are some interesting aspects that I have discovered along the way, that I thought you might find interesting.

At first glance they may seem a bit far fetched, but please bare with me.

1: MEW never confessed even after she was found guilty. She always maintained her innocence, even after accepting her fate.
2: What has interested me most is the slashing of the throat in such a violent manner, a manner we know was used by JTR and also the cryptic message she asked to be placed in the sun. 'MECP Last wish of MEW. Have not betrayed. MEW.'
3: Did Mary Wheeler have an epileptic seizure and was not aware of her crime? Or did she send this message because she knew who had commited the crime?
4: The word MECP, suggests to me, Mary Eleanor Charles Pearcey. Was she sending him a message to let him know she had not betrayed him? 5: Why did she, after a lifetime of using Pearcey as her last name, finally resort back to being called MEW (Mary Eleanor Wheeler)? 6: Was she cutting all ties with JCP, knowing what he had done?
7: Had she possibly discovered the identity of JTR and was it possibly John Charles Pearcey?

These are the questions that are currently praying on my mind. The violence of the throat cutting is similar to that of the other JTR victims, however, the mutilation was not present in the case of Phoebe Hogg, just as it was not present in the case of Elizabeth Stride, another suspected victim of JTR.

However, in the case of Elizabeth Stride, it was said her throat was cut from left to right and not from right to left as was the case with the other victims.

Now I have a question to ask you. Was Phoebe Hogg's throat slashed from left to right or from right to left?

I look forward to hearing from you.

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SBHopton said...


Sorry to take so long in responding. I'm working on a new website that will offer more features and easier management, but I didn't want your questions to go unanswered.

I do my best to answer your questions here:

3: Did Mary Wheeler have an epileptic seizure and was not aware of her crime?

It is my opinion that ME suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy. However, I no longer believe she murdered Phoebe while in a 'fit' or epileptic fog. I do believe her chronic health issues led to a debilitating depression and that while in a depressive episode, she suffered a break with reality that led to an explosive anger resulting in the blows to Phoebe's head.

Or did she send this message because she knew who had committed the crime?

ME's solicitor said that when he interviewed her, ME told him the message was about a previous marriage. The advert was sent to London papers and Madrid papers, so, whomever it was directed at would have had cause to be in England and/or Spain. To my knowledge, JCP never left the country.

4: The word MECP, suggests to me, Mary Eleanor Charles Pearcey. Was she sending him a message to let him know she had not betrayed him?

Certainly, this is possible and it's a theory I entertained briefly too, but it seems unlikely that the secret would have been that JCP was JTR because JCP was a mild-mannered carpenter and JTR was a sexual sadist. There's nothing in my files that would suggest JCP harbored any resentment toward women such as would be required of a sexual sadist a la JTR.

5: Why did she, after a lifetime of using Pearcey as her last name, finally resort back to being called MEW (Mary Eleanor Wheeler)?

In my mind, using Pearcey's name was a practicality. She needed to keep her neighbors out of her business and she needed to be perceived as a woman of virtue. Taking a married name was her strategy to that end. Once the world knew the truth (that she wasn't married at all) there was no need to continue using the name Pearcey.

6: Was she cutting all ties with JCP, knowing what he had done?

Again, I think it's an entertaining idea, but there's no evidence to support this that I've found.

7: Had she possibly discovered the identity of JTR and was it possibly John Charles Pearcey?

See above.

8: Now I have a question to ask you. Was Phoebe Hogg's throat slashed from left to right or from right to left?

Yes, Phoebe's throat was cut left to right, and while that makes for a juicy coincidence, the rest of the MO doesn't fit with what little I know of JTR's crimes.

Specifically, Phoebe's body wasn't mutilated, there was a child-murder involved, and the bodies were transported from the scene of the crime--all of which greatly deviates from the MO of JTR.

That said, I think your theories are interesting and I'm glad you've taken an interest in the Mary Pearcey case. I do hope to hear from you again. Best of luck in your research - Sarah B

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